Development of Upazila Land Suitability Assessment and Crop Zoning System of Bangladesh
• Updated Upazila land and soil properties information derived from upazila level soil survey; • Updated Upazila soil chemical/nutrient status information derived from analysis soil samples collected from each 200 hectare of land in a upazila; • Updated Upazila Nirdeshika and Soil and landform map; • Updated database of Upazila land and soil properties and agro-climatic information; • Updated Upazila land & soil properties map and admin boundary map; • Updated agro-climatic maps; • Land parcel/Union based crop specific fertilizer recommendation; • Online GIS-based software for data management, crop suitability analysis and zoning; • Mobile app for dissemination of cop zoning information at field level; • Agri-advisory portal for gathering and providing information related to agricultural • development; • Socioeconomic data management software and climatic data management software; • Crop zoning outputs validation report, Awareness of field level extension officials and farmers'on 'Khamari' mobile app; • Software documentation and usage manual; • Strengthened technical capacity of ICT Unit of BARC.
• Crop suitability and zoning, fertilizer recommendation information will be made available through CZIS software and 'Khamari' mobile app for sustainable crop productivity; • Benefit/income of farmers is expected to arise from: (i) increased productivity;(ii) maintaining soil health, (ii) preventing environmental damage; and (iv) reduction in production costs in some cases. • Supporting policy planners/extension agent with information for land use planning based on crop zoning system; • Improved livelihood of rural people, particularly, small, marginal and women farmers; • Geospatial Agriculture Knowledge Repository (AKR) and Knowledge Platform will be built to disseminate knowledge for improved decision making in agriculture. It enables integrating spatial analysis tools into domain knowledge of agricultural systems and processes.
420 upazilas completed Crop Zoning, khamari mobile apps developed (fertilizer guide based, cropwise fertilizer recommendation)
Validation of khamari mobile apps in different location.