Project Completion Report | Krishi Gobeshona Foundation

Project Completion Report

Project Code Title of PCR Project Type Download file
TF 01-C Validation and Up-scaling of High Value Vegetable Crops production in Sylhet Region. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 02-C Development/validation and up-scaling of dry direct seeded boro rice system for improving crop productivity in areas with limited water supply. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 04-C Screening and testing of Improved Aus Rice Varieties/Genotypes Suitable for Rainfed Aerobic Soil Condition of Bangladesh. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 05-C Year-round production of some selected HYVs and hybrid vegetable varieties in southern and hilly regions of Bangladesh. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 06-C Validation and up scaling of HYVs of brinjal, tomato, bottle gourd, ash gourd and pointed gourd in hilly areas of Moulvibazar. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 07-C Adaptation of newly released HYV oil seeds (Mustard, Groundnut, Soybean and Sesame) in Charland of Padma. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 08-NR Validation and Up scaling of Resource Conservation Technologies (RCTs) for Improving Productivity in the Drought Prone Areas. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 09-NR Validation and up-scaling of Tricho-products for soil borne disease management in vegetable Crops KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 11-C Validation and up scaling of off-season jute seed production Technologies in different jute growing areas of Bangladesh. KGF BKGET CGP Project
TF 12-L Investigation on livestock diseases and development of appropriate control measures in hilly areas. KGF BKGET CGP Project